Our Enhanced Sight Test includes an OCT Scan.

This can tell us a lot about your eyes and your overall health, such as underlying conditions like diabetes, age-related macular degeneration and more. 

“Could a greater miracle take place than for us to look through each other’s eyes for an instant?”

— Henry David Thoreau

Our Enhanced sight test includes Optical Coherence Tomography Scanning (OCT). This is an enhanced 3D scan of the different layers of your retina that make up the back of the eye.  This test only takes a few minutes and can be added onto the end of your regular eye test for £20.

We recommend this for over 18’s only and anyone with a history of glaucoma or diabetes.

 This test can tell us a lot about your eyes and your overall health, such as underlying conditions such as glaucoma, diabetes, age-related macular degeneration and more. 

 Many eye health conditions are only noticeable when they’re advanced, so by undergoing an OCT scan you can discover conditions early and manage them before they get worse.